Soul Sacrifice


Firelight in a darkened room

Across oaken table we sit

Radiant in It’s human form

Traveler from It’s fiery pit


Misery and dissatisfaction

Compels this entity’s arrival

Cries for help above unheard

Disenchanting mere survival


Foolish pride and ego proclaim

Entitlement to earthly bliss

Summoned  inferno’s overlord

Desires met by serpent’s kiss


Wields archaic parchment scroll

And an ornate feathered quill

Beckons me to scribe my mark

In crimson ink of bloody spill


Evil one rises, grins and laughs

My heart darkens in guilt’s regret

Hellion takes it’s prize and flees

Leaves me convinced our pact is set


Trepidation replaced by ecstasy

Our agreements hedonistic feast

Pleasures of the mind and flesh

Provided solely by the Beast


Wanton debauchery consumes

As wealth and power abound

Satisfaction should be limitless

Why am I lost in bliss newly found


The Devil’s trick leaves me empty

The pleasure and power surrounds

Yet insatiable my appetite for more

The need for satisfaction astounds


Chase for gratification winds down

Lucifer’s cunning plan comes to be

My body a shell of it’s former self

My mind now frayed ends of sanity


My contract revoked unfulfilled

Satan’s mocking suitably unjust

It’s dealings never held validity

But It’s temptation demanded trust


And so charred ashes to ashes

Become Hell storm’s dust to dust

As my greed for greed destroyed me

I was condemned by my lust for lust

23 responses to “Soul Sacrifice

  1. You’ve captured the spirit very well, it’s very haunting and eerie, I know of a couple of poets who would enjoy reading this, they’re my fellow scribers on Scribes Inkorporated, mind if I reblog it on there so they can have a read?

    A truly great dark piece.

  2. Reblogged this on Scribes Ink. and commented:
    Scribers, I came across this beautiful dark poem, and instantly thought of the NightDwellers crew, so I’m rebloging this for you dark souls of the night, I do hope you enjoy the read as much as I have. ✨

    • Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it. Feel free to drop by and look around any time you like. I usually bring ideas for my writing from the darker side of my creative mind.
      Keep Inspiring

    • Thank you Sienna. Do you have a personal site other than Scribes Ink (already following) that I can check out. Link comes up as “nothing found” and I would love direct access to more of your work.
      Keep Inspiring

      • No I don’t have anything on my own blog, I post the bulk of my writes on Opuss you can get it on the App Store if you have an ithingy. Thanks for the interest ❤️

      • Okay, I will be sure to keep an eye out for your work at Scribes ink then. Thank you for the follow. I am glad you enjoy my work.
        Keep inspiring

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